New updates will now release every Friday

Hey everyone,

Area - 51: Uprising updates will now release once every Friday (unless it’s a priority bug fix). This change has been done to ensure we have enough time to validate that the update won’t actually introduce more bugs than it fixes and will also give us more time to implement bigger and better features. The Player Council will have access to the early builds and will be able to test them early to make sure they have no bugs in them.

Thank you all for your support and understanding. :slightly_smiling_face:


tgis topic will close 14 days aftee the last reply! :dizzy_face:

On one side I feel like this will stress out the dev team and force them to make low effort updates, on the other this game needs a lot of work to even be as fun as old 51, so good luck.

It should be less stressful on the team as we were pushing an update/bug fix every day. This will give us more time to verify that changes won’t cause game breaking issues.

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