Area - 51: Uprising v1.2.0 Changelog

Bug Fix Monday - October 9th, 2023

:heavy_check_mark: Additions

  • Omni and Level-4 passes are now sold in the in-game robux shop
  • XP and clearance bars will now appear under your clearance while in-game.
  • LCZ zone expansions & redecorations
  • Additional ScD Spawn

:x: Removals

  • N/A

:hammer_and_wrench: Changes

  • Robux store now has scrollable gamepasses
  • Disabled activity XP & Credit gain on private servers.
  • Increased credit gain via activity time to 10 minutes.
  • Backend armor & outfit system remade, per-level morphs are coming soon ^-^
  • LCZ containment reworks or redecorations
  • HCZ hallway redecorations

:bug: Bug Fixes

  • Fixed gamepass scaling in robux store
  • Further fixed CD clearance staying after leaving CD team.
  • Weather from outside no longer stays after you die.
  • You can no longer level up to Moderation Team. (visual bug)
  • Health bar will no longer display NaN.
  • O5 Rooms fixed up a bit.

:construction: Work in Progress

:clock1: Long Term

  • CDC Revamp

:stopwatch: Short Term

  • Rank Up Morphs & Uniforms

  • CD Riot Event

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