Area - 51: Uprising v1.0.1 Changelog

October 3rd, 2023

:heavy_check_mark: Additions

  • Added Chaos Insurgency Cave
  • Warning UI

:x: Removals

  • Removed indoor CI Spawns

:hammer_and_wrench: Changes

  • Changed CD spawn force field to 1 second.

  • Nerfed EA deagle.

  • Modified SD rank names

  • Modified some O5 loadouts

  • Adjusted walkspeed command permission to Admin

  • Changed nametag view distance from 25 to 40 studs

:bug: Bug Fixes

  • Fixed terminate tag assigning wrongly

  • Fixed O5 Council being able to be accessed by anyone

  • Fixed armor bug with Chaos Insurgency & CD’s escaping

  • SCP-457 & 352 backend changes

  • Adjusted notifications - should result in less cut offs.

  • Other various backend changes

:construction: Work in Progress

:clock1: Long Term

  • CDC Revamp

:stopwatch: Short Term

  • Door Rework